

Sherrie罗, Design and Media Production Technology program Department Head, has been named the 2019 Rick Perkins Award Instructor of the Year for 买世界杯app推荐.

Sherrie罗, 2019年RPA获奖者2019年2月26日,佐治亚州奥古斯塔 ——雪莉·罗, Design and Media Production Technology program Department Head, has been named the 2019 Rick Perkins Award Instructor of the Year for 买世界杯app推荐. The announcement was made by President Terry Elam at the 教师 and 工作人员 Meeting on December 8, 2018, 在买世界杯app推荐

Miss Rowe was selected from among ten participating faculty nominees for this year’s award. She has taught 在买世界杯app推荐 since November 1997, and after multiple nominations for the instructor of the year award, 我是. Rowe’s second time being selected as the college winner.

Ms. Rowe represents 买世界杯app推荐 at the regional competition at Central Georgia Technical College in Warner Robins on February 27, 2019, and will participate in the state conference at the Grand Hyatt Atlanta in April 2019.

“Teaching 在买世界杯app推荐 has not only changed my life, 却让我的人生变得有意义. While working in the private sector is rewarding in many different ways - monetarily especially - teaching is personally very rewarding. 我想这就像抚养孩子一样. The person who walks in the door is not the person who walks out the door. I know that when I teach a student to do something new that student not only gains a new skill, 他或她也获得了成就感和, 有足够的成就, 是信心. With a sense of confidence, they can go on and conquer their little corner of the world.”

The state winner will carry the title of Technical College System of Georgia’s Instructor of the Year and serve as the state’s ambassador for technical education. The winner exemplifies excellence and a commitment to the mission of the Technical College System of Georgia and makes many public appearances throughout the year, including addresses to the Georgia General Assembly, 州长和TCSG领导会议, 举几个例子. A $1,000 grand prize is also presented to the deserving award winner.

The Rick Perkins Award (RPA) for Excellence in Technical Instruction honors the Technical College System of Georgia’s (TCSG) most outstanding instructors. The award has been an ongoing statewide event since 1991 and is designed to recognize technical college instructors who make significant contributions to technical education through innovation and leadership in their fields. Formerly known as the Commissioner’s Award of Excellence, the award was renamed in honor and memory of Thomas “Rick” Perkins, 西佐治亚技术学院的讲师.



买世界杯app推荐, 佐治亚技术学院系统的一个单位, is a public postsecondary institution that provides academic and technical education, 定制的商业和行业培训, 继续教育, 学生支持, 经济发展, 成人教育服务 to its service area (Burke, 哥伦比亚, 林肯, 麦克达菲, and Richmond Counties) at a competitive financial value. 理学副学士学位, 应用科学副学士学位, 文凭, and technical certificates of credit are provided through traditional and distance delivery methods. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 .  For more information, contact Kimberly Holden Director of Community Engagement & 买世界杯app推荐公共事务系.771.4819.


The 22 colleges of the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) are Georgia’s top resource for skilled workers. TCSG offers world-class training in more than 600 associate degree, diploma and certificate programs to students who are trained on state-of-the-art equipment by instructors who are experts in their fields. The system also houses Georgia’s Office of 成人教育, which promotes and provides adult literacy and education programs, 包括GED®测试项目, 整个州. 除了, TCSG通过快速启动与公司合作, the nation’s top customized workforce training program, 通过它的各个学院, who work with local industry to provide workforce and training solutions. 欲了解更多信息,请访问

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