塞布丽娜格里芬, Vice President
Columbia County Chamber of Commerce

夫人. 塞布丽娜格里芬 serves as the Vice President of the Columbia County Chamber of Commerce in Evans, Ga. 在她的角色中, she is an advocate for the local business community by providing resources and strategies for economic growth in the Greater 奥古斯塔 Region. 夫人. Griffin joined the staff in 2017 as the Program Manager and has since received two promotions.

Before joining the Chamber, 夫人. Griffin served as the Senior Regional Marketing Specialist for nearly 19 years at Comcast Spotlight, 现在被称为Effectv. During her career at Comcast Spotlight, her leadership skills were recognized with two G.E.M. Awards, which stands for “Going the Extra Mile.” This award recognized the leadership of those that promoted the company’s mission, 理想及价值观. While at Comcast Spotlight, 夫人. Griffin also completed the Leadership Columbia County Program in 2017 to gain more awareness of the county and the community.

With her love of the community and wanting to give back, she served as the annual Comcast Cares Day Project Manager for the 奥古斯塔 area, where employees volunteered their time in the communities to support local organizations in need. Further evident of this passion to help others, she is a member of First Metropolitan Baptist Church in 奥古斯塔, Ga., where she serves on numerous auxiliary committees.

夫人. Griffin also served as a Girl Scout Troop Leader for Girl Scouts Historic Georgia for 5 years. She has volunteered her time with other organizations including: Masters Table Soup Kitchen, Golden Harvest Food Bank, 麦当劳之家, and Leadership Columbia County class project to collect underwear and socks for underprivileged students in Columbia and Richmond County School Districts.

A native of Hancock County, 夫人. 塞布丽娜格里芬 is a 1987 graduate of Hancock Central High School in Sparta, Ga. After graduating from high school, 夫人. Griffin attended 奥古斯塔 Technical College, earning a diploma in 1988 after completing the Clerical Office Specialist program.

She is married to her best friend and soul mate, Charles Terrell Griffin, Sr. of 29 years, and they are the proud parents of two wonderful children Charles, Jr. 和亚历山大. She is also the oldest child of Mr. & 夫人. 威利L. 摩尔.